
Welcome to V-Carrd - A catch all place for all things I do in FFXIV

RP Characters

Characters I RP in the FFXIV setting
- Vulispa is my main and will always be my preferred go to
- Vulispa, Kosmos, Bazj and Kura are all linked in RP background
The others are all stand alones, if you are interested in knowing more about them or setting up some rp with them, DM me on discord!

Vulispa Abyss
The Matriarch

Kosmos Abyss
The Protector

Bazj Abyss
The Cleaner

Reverie Abyss
The Lost River

Kurayami Saito
The Darkness

The Apollo
A Guardian

Maleeki Myste
The Faithful

Rhaego M'travo
The Dancer

Norlaise Torsefers
The Bitch

Gpose Photography - Vstudio

I offer in-game Gpose Photography services Via my Studio Discord
They are also available via the Honey Bee Inn (Crystal Venue)
- I run and maintain my phsyical Studio in game (Current Sets available to use can be seen on the carrd)
-NSFW examples of my portfolio available in my discord

Housing Decorating

I offer Decorating Services in game - I have characters across all Crystal servers I can use, and an alt on Aether, Light, Dynamis and Sophia. I adore making RP spaces - contact on me on discord if you are interested! (blissfulbanana)
My Prices are as follows (not including materials)
2 Mill for a Fc/Apartment Room Design
5 Mil for a Small estate
10 Mil for a Medium Estate
20 Mil for a large Estate
Please note - only makeplace files can be provided for apartment sized builds due to restrictions on Tennent system - these are tested in my own housing studio prior to being sent and I can provide a tutorial on how to use the makeplace plugin
I also now sell a few designs on Kofi! See the link below

Large House Builds

Clan Abyss Estate - Shirogane

Personal Estate

The Honest Gillionaire - Mist

currently available The Honest Gillionaire

Sector 7 - Goblet

currently available Sector 7

Sector 7 - Western Night - Goblet

Event build for Sector 7

The Executive Lounge - Goblet

currently available The Executive Lounge

The Executive Lounge - Cantina Night - Goblet

Event Build for The Executive Lounge

The Executive Lounge - Backroom Apothcrary - Goblet

Event Build for The Executive Lounge

Medium House Builds

Zact Estate- Lavender Beds

Private Commission

Tairiku- Goblet

Currently available Tairiku

The Little Bee's Pets' Picnic- Goblet

Event Build for The Little Bee Cafe

Pictomancer Art Party- Goblet

Event Build for Honey Bee Venues

The Little Bee Gothic Night- Goblet

Event Build for The Little Bee Cafe

The Little Bee Bake Off- Goblet

Event Build for The Little Bee Cafe

The Church of the Forlorn- Emprieum

Private Commission
Mateus - Empy - Ward 28 - Plot 56

Small House Builds

Machine Workshop - Goblet

Private Commission

Rhaego's Warren - Goblet

Personal Estate

Fashion and Fabrics Shop - Empy

Private Commission

Slice of Turin - Mist

Personal Estate

Armourer's Guild and Shop - Goblet

Private Commission

Modern Yakuza Den - L/Beds

Private Commission

Sheep's Home - Goblet

Private Commission

Red Gothic - Mist

Private Commission

Beach House - Mist

Private Commission

FC Rooms/Apartment Sized Builds

Various EL Private Rooms

currently available The Executive Lounge

Various S7 Private Rooms

currently available Sector 7

Various HBI Private Rooms

currently available Honey Bee Inn

Various THG Private Rooms

currently available The Honest Gillionaire

An Assassin's den - Apartment

Private Commission

Onsen - Private Room

Private Commission

A Cosy Nook - Apartment

Private Commission

Baya Apartment - Apartment

Private Commission

Vulispa's Apartment - Apartment

Personal Estate

Rigger's Rhapsody - Private Room

currently available The Royal Chambers

Office - Apartment

Private Comission

Various Old Private Rooms

No Longer in Game


Hello! I am V - most folks know me by my main character's name Vulispa! but to help separate player from character I offer folks to call me V
Please don't interact if...
- You're a Minor
- You meet basic DNI criteria [Racist, Transphobic, Homophobic, etc.]
- You have trouble distinguishing IC from OOC
RP things
My preferred RP style is paragraph length but I can adjust to whomeever I am rping with.
I RP in game and via Discord.
I am Open to all styles of (E)RP however if you want to go down a darker line some OOC chat is needed prior!
On that note Vulispa, Kos, Bazj and Kuro's backstory contains dark/mature subjects that some may find triggering
I am happy to make OOC Friends but I am a happily married woman irl
My Character's attitudes and opinions may (probably) not reflect my own - if in doubt ask
General things
I live in a GMT Timezone (5 hours ahead of EST) and only stay up late Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays generally
My discord is blissfulbanana

  • Name: Vulispa Abyss

  • Pronouns: She/Her

  • Orientation: Pansexual/Polyamorous

  • Race: Raen/Aura *

  • Age: 29

  • Height: 4ft 8

  • Birthplace: Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand

  • Job: Academic Researcher, Semi-Retired Combat Healer, High Arcanist of Limsa Arcanist Guild. Owner of The Honest Gillionaire. Photography Manager at HBV.

  • Languages: Common Eorzean, Hingan, Sign Language, Turisian

  • Personality Alignment : Chaotic Neutral

  • Notable Appearance Details: Extra scales down her hips and legs and up her back, Vulispa's scales shine a brilliant white with blue iridescent sheen. For the sake of quiet life however she often glamours these to appear like any other raen. She has a tattoo on her inner right wrist and her inch long claws on her fingers - normally manicured.

  • Name: Reverie Abyss

  • Pronouns: She/Her

  • Orientation: Pansexual

  • Race: River Dragon

  • Age: 67

  • Height: Varies

  • Birthplace: Glardrial

  • Job: Where ever Vulispa forces her to work

  • Languages: All

  • Personality Alignment : Neutral Good

  • Notable Appearance Details:

  • Reverie is a dragon from another universe, her preferred form is her draconic form which resembles an eastern style noodle dragon. However Vulispa had her develop a bi-pedal form that mostly resembles an xaela.... mostly she has elezen like ears poking out under her horns and the gold marks of her shapeshifting magicks shimmer in gold around her body with runes of her homeland.

  • Name: Kosmos Abyss Khudus Khalkham Musuo

  • Pronouns: He/Him

  • Orientation: Pansexual

  • Race: Raen/Aura

  • Age: 40 (ish)

  • Height: 7ft 2

  • Birthplace: Hingashi

  • Job: Gunblade for Hire, Vulispa's right hand

  • Languages: Hingan, Common Eorzean

  • Personality Alignment : Neutral Good

  • Notable Appearance Details: Heavily scarred and muscled, on the taller end for Au'ra. Normally wears a visor or shades over his eyes which have no iris or pupils.

  • Name: Bazj Abyss

  • Pronouns: He/Him

  • Orientation: Pansexual

  • Race: Rava/Viera

  • Age: Unknown

  • Height: 5ft 7

  • Birthplace: Unknown

  • Job: Caretaker of The Honest Gillionaire

  • Languages: Hingan, Common Eorzean

  • Personality Alignment : Lawful Good

  • Notable Appearance Details: Short male Viera, body is lithe and covered in Floral tattoos.

  • Name: Kurayami Saito

  • Pronouns: He/Him

  • Orientation: Pansexual

  • Race: Halfbreed Roegadyn/Elezen

  • Age: 30

  • Height: 7ft 1

  • Birthplace: Hingashi

  • Job: Bugyo of Inner Region on the mainland of Koshu

  • Languages: Hingan, Common Eorzean, Doman, Xaelian

  • Personality Alignment : Lawful Evil

  • Notable Appearance Details: Mostly taking after his Elezen mother in stature, although would look burlier when stood next to other Elezen, He bares the hellsguard nose and smaller ears, although they are still pointed. He bares a faint scar across his face with piercing orange eyes that seem to come across cold.

  • Name: The Apollo

  • Pronouns: He/Him

  • Orientation: Asexual

  • Race: Auspice - Mainecoon

  • Age: ?

  • Height: 8ft 6

  • Birthplace: Unknown

  • Job: Doing Cat Things

  • Languages: All / Any

  • Personality Alignment : Lawful Good

  • Notable Appearance Details: He appears to be a big miqo'te, taller than most races of Ethyris. Also strange well muscled. Large fluffy ears and a tail even bigger than he is!. Hetrochromic eyes and white hair and fur

  • Name: Maleeki Myste

  • Pronouns: She/her

  • Orientation: Hetrosexual

  • Race: Rava/Vierra

  • Age: 103

  • Height: 6ft 2

  • Birthplace: Unknown

  • Job: One of the Caretakers and Knights of the Church of Forlorn. Now runs an orphanage and bakery in the Goblet.

  • Languages: Ishgardian, Common Eorzean

  • Personality Alignment : Lawful Good

  • Notable Appearance Details: Her Purple eye matches the purple marking across her cheek. Subtle purple wafts of hair seem to be hidden in her blonde hair. An active knight she bares muscle from her training regime. She always wears a choker with a jewel that matches her markings and eye.

  • Name: Rhaego M'travo

  • Pronouns: They/them

  • Orientation: Pansexual

  • Race: Rava/Vierra

  • Age: Unknown

  • Height: 6ft 2

  • Birthplace: Unknown

  • Job: Rhaego works at Honey Bee Inn.... when they remember to turn up!

  • Languages: Common Eorzean, maybe some others, they don't remember

  • Personality Alignment : Neutral Good

  • Notable Appearance Details: Rhaego has striking red hair, soft orange eyes and peeted feet of the rabbit they resemble. Their body is lithe, a dancer's body through and through. Their body can seem feminine in some lights and masculine in others, depends which way the winds the blowing.

  • Name: Noralaise Torsefers

  • Pronouns: She/Her

  • Orientation: Pansexual

  • Race: Elezen/Duskwight

  • Age: 32

  • Height: 6ft 7

  • Birthplace: Gelmorra

  • Job: Mercenary work, anything that pays. Security at Yu-Yi

  • Languages: Common Eorzean, Doman, Her Clan's native tongue.

  • Personality Alignment : Chaotic Neutral

  • Notable Appearance Details: Nora has dark blue skin of her clan and more noticeability the long elongated ears of her tribe. She has them pierced, having left her clan to see a new life. She is shapely and muscled, a bitch with a scythe. Her body is heavily scarred which can be easily seen so she gave up hiding it. Thanks to a incident in the past her eyes glow light blue. Even her clan marks have gained this unfortunate trait.